Failure IS an option…if you want to make something great.

“You need a lot of bad ideas in order to get a few good ones. “ –Adam Grant Or you gotta break a few (dozen) eggs to bake a cake–or in my case a few cases.  I regularly post pics of food I’ve made on Instagram…almost always of the successes, rarely of the failures.  I…

I just called…to say…”have you eaten today?”

“We Asians often only value the first (and sometimes only) time our parents said I love you while disregarding the countless times they asked, “when did you eat?” As if they didn’t all mean the same thing.” — Kimmy Yam @ kimmythepooh on Twitter I’m not sure if my mother has ever actually uttered the…

When life (or a neighbor) gives you pumpkin butter…

“What the heck do you do with this stuff…and do you want to make something with it?,” asked my neighbor Winnie, handing me a jar of pumpkin butter.  It had been a party favor from a recent shower she’d attended.  Since neither Winnie nor her husband cook a lot, much less bake, the pumpkin butter was…

It all starts with the beans…

Walk into any market, health food or otherwise, and you’ll probably find displays upon displays of “alternative milk” offerings–from almond and cashew to rice, coconut, and, more recently, oat.  But the original “alt milk beverage” is soy milk.  I confess I do not like most commercially packaged soy milk–always tastes overly “processed” to me, no matter what brand….

Give us our daily milk bread

In a previous post I talked about my obsession with baking rustic loaves using my trusty starter “Barney,” who I’m proud to report is still alive and kicking.  But lately, my favorite bread to bake at home is Milk Bread, the incomparably fluffy, pull-apart tender carb of my dreams.  Its pillowy texture sort of reminds…