Bake Sale Diary

This past weekend was a blur of Taiwanese spicy beef hand pies, Meyer lemon pudding cakes, chocolate salted caramel trifles, cheddar scallion biscuits, and guava passion cakes…lots of them. You see I decided to hold a virtual bake sale and let’s just the say the response was surprising and overwhelming. It was an idea that…

Gateau Chocolat Royale under a burnt orange sky

If there’s one thing the last six months have taught me is that there is a razor thin line between reality and hyperbole. I have to stop saying things like “as if things couldn’t get any weirder” because, invariably, they do. In San Francisco, we all woke up Wednesday morning to oppressively murky skies the…

“We’re having a heat wave…(not) a tropical heat wave…”

I knew the weekend was going to be a scorcher, but being out in the Sunset I thought we’d be spared much of the intense heat. In relative terms that’s been true. Instead of the 106 degrees in San Jose, it was around 90 in my neighborhood–but 90 without A.C.–so not much motivation to cook,…

School Night Suppers

I came across this old class photograph from my kindergarten class in Hong Kong today. That’s me in the front row, second from the right. I was about four years old I think. Memories of those early school days play in my head like a Netflix trailer–snippets of highlights that offer me a glimpse into…

When life gives you lemons, Part 2

My newfound friend is selling her house and moving away. I’m thrilled for her because she’s pressing the restart button on her life, embracing the great unknown and embarking on new adventures on the other side of the country. I’m also saddened by her imminent departure. Though technically Krislyn and I have been neighbors for…