Comic: Hey, Girl! Spoiler Alerts!

If you are planning to watch the movie “The Notebook” and don’t want any spoilers, then you probably shouldn’t read this comic or talk movies with my mom. (Click on the image for a bigger glimpse.)

Let’s Just Start All Over Again…Or Pretend It Never Happened

I’m with a majority of my friends…hell, with the general populous…in feeling that 2016 (for the most part) sucked gigantic donkey balls.  The Presidential Election became and continues to be the longest running SNL sketch in American history…though we’re only laughing through our tears.  Don’t even get me started on all the amazingly talented, seminal…

Lost Weekend…Or How I Got Trapped in Stars Hollow

*Warning, if you haven’t watched Gilmore Girls-A Year in the Life, this post contains spoilers! No really…that is how I lost most of last weekend…binge-watching the entire four 90-minute episodes of the new Netflix reboot of Gilmore Girls. My fellow “Movie Chicks” (aka Rina and Laura) and I were, like all Gilmore Girl fans, giddy…

Wrap Session…or How To Stuff A Chinese Crepe

My friend Karen heard about this pop up restaurant in the Inner Sunset generating buzz about town for their “authentic” savory stuffed Chinese crepes.  Hungry for a new foodie adventure, we decided to give it a try one morning.  Temporarily housed inside a Japanese noodle place, the vendors had set up a large crepe iron…

Rolling in the Dough

So last month I found myself tackling croissant dough in an attempt to recreate the Cruffin.  While I can appreciate the finesse and skill it takes to make a respectable croissant dough–I mean who doesn’t like those buttery flaky layers–I’m more a brioche kind of gal.  Brioche is richer and more tender, chock full of…

Halloween…Or Confessions of a Scaredy Cat

I’m an unmitigated scaredy cat when it comes to horror movies and not ashamed to admit it–blame it on a neurotic, overly dramatic, “waiting for the apocalypse” mother and my own active imagination.  No doubt many of my friends have hunkered down in front of their television sets with pizzas and big bowls of popcorn for…

Sunday Bake–Savory Pop Tarts

Ever since I abruptly decided to jump off the crazy train that was my day job (or more like leaping off a runaway train a few stops before it plowed spectacularly through the main station), I’ve spent my time working on consulting projects (aka playing with food).  Consequently, I find myself with a whole lot…

Pumpkin Spice Be Damned!

Anthony Bourdain is right–this pumpkin spice madness must stop! What started out as a harmless cup of pumpkin spice latte to signal the beginning of fall has turned into a marketing tsunami that’s threatening to engulf us in a sea of mediocrity.  I won’t go so far as Bourdain in wishing the trend “drown in its…

Taste for Travel…Or Where to Eat in Maine

One of the joys of traveling back to Maine, aside from the obvious pleasure of spending time with good friends, is eating fabulous food.  Those who follow my posts on Instagram and Facebook are well-acquainted with my seemingly endless appetite for good eats.  So in the interest of those who are thinking about a trip…

Travel Log — Autumn in Maine

I’m back in Maine again…this time to experience the technicolor splendor that is Fall, in what has become my “happy place.”  Summer in Maine is all about sunshine, ice cream, big fat juicy berries, crisp pink rhubarb, warm days kayaking on the lake, and bbq.  During the fall peak, however, Maine is a spectacular feast…