Just roll with it…or my (holey) bagel obsession

Anyone who follows my Instagram feed knows I’ve become a little obsessed lately with making bagels. No, I haven’t completely abandoned baking other forms of carbs–last night I experimented with steamed buns filled with flavored custards–but I just can’t seem to stop making bagels. It’s probably a phase, I know. I get fixated on perfecting…

Winter Citrus…or my lemony post-holiday adventures

Yes, I know. How can anyone think about baking once January rolls around, having waddled our way past the last holiday buffet? Aren’t we all supposed to be “cleansing” our systems…sipping hot lemon water instead of peppermint macchiatos in the morning? I guess if chugging lemon water all day makes you feel better, I say…

A Trip Down the Spice Road…or what I learned at work.

One of the great perks of my job as a content editor for Serious Eats, which I’ve come to appreciate lately, is that I get paid to read food articles and recipes for a living. Imagine that! Granted, I don’t find all the content fascinating. I mean I love pizza, but there are just so…